
Last Week Homework

Monday Oct. 5th: Write spelling words 3 times each, math p. 23 #'s 2,3,4,7,10,12

Tuesday Oct. 6th: Use spelling words in a sentince

Wednesday Oct. 7th: Create a diarama for science lesson (mammal habitats), study for spelling test

Thursday Oct. 8th: Study for spelling test (tomorrow!), write in states on blank map

Friday Oct. 9th: Read for 30 min! Have a great weekend!!


This week:

Monday Oct. 12th: Write spelling words 3 times each, p. 32 #'s 3,4,5,6,7,9.12,15

Tuesday Oct. 13th: Use spelling words in a sentince, read to a friend/parent/sibling

Wednesday: draw a picture of a reptile, describe where it lives, eats, looks like, etc.